Should I Buy or Rent A Camp Trailer?

buying a camp trailer vs renting a camp trailer

If you are interested in camping with an RV or camp trailer, there is certainly a debate about which is better - renting or buying an RV. While each avenue of RV usage has its benefits, ultimately the best choice is what fits your individual needs. The following are some points to consider, questions to ask yourself, and reasons why either renting or buying an Rv or camp trailer would be best for you. 

How Often Do You Plan to Go Camping? 

Yes, it is kind of a tough question to answer if you are new to camping. You may love it and want to go nearly every weekend of the year. Or, you may only enjoy camping with an RV and decide to just go a few times. In the long run, if you believe you would be a life-long camper, it makes more financial sense to buy your own trailer. However, if you have never tried camping in an RV/camp trailer before, renting one for a weekend to see what it is all about will help you answer that question with more ease. 

Consider the Numbers

As mentioned above, long-term RV ownership will save you a considerable amount of money compared to renting a trailer each time you want to go camping. On average, trailers rent for anywhere from $400-$700 per week, with costs rising as the trailers get larger. If you are interested in a motorhome (RV), those costs can go much higher.

Considering the cost of one week of renting vs the monthly payment you would have (if financing your trailer/RV), for roughly the same amount of money you could own your trailer and camp for a month straight at the same monthly cost. Consider, too, the fact that many used trailers or motorhomes are substantially less expensive than brand new ones (recently the market showed trailers that are just 5 years old costing up to 75% less than a brand new trailer). 

Again, it is a personal decision here based on your own camping preferences, but the financial aspect of renting an RV versus purchasing an RV is certainly something that you do not want to overlook. 


This is one part of owning a camp trailer/RV that some people overlook. Due to some HOA rules, you may not be able to simply park your camp trailer or RV in front of your home or on your driveway. While that is different for everyone’s individual situation, be aware that there are monthly fees associated with parking your trailer at a facility. Most run anywhere between $50 and $150 per month, depending on the level of security at the facility as well as the parking arrangements. Some storage areas are inside, others covered, while others are simply in the open - these options usually are the most affordable for monthly RV storage. 

Tow Vehicle

Before deciding whether or not to purchase a trailer, it is important to understand the towing limitations of your vehicle. Some people eager to buy a trailer face a new problem when they discover that their SUV or truck is not able to safely tow the camp trailer they have in mind. If you plan to buy a trailer, make sure you understand your towing limitations first. And for those of you renting a camp trailer, the same applies. 

Rental Availability

While renting a camp trailer or RV can be immensely fun, finding the right RV/camp trailer for your trip can be challenging at times. Similar to trying to rent a car or a hotel room over a holiday weekend, be prepared to have limited options when it comes to renting an RV/trailer. Comparatively, however, if you decide to purchase a camp trailer, there are many, many more options available to you. 


Asking yourself these questions will undoubtedly help you with the decision making process of purchasing a camp trailer versus renting one. As we mentioned before, it is advisable to rent a camp trailer before trying to answer some of these questions (or go camping with a friend who has one!). Regardless of what option you choose, happy camping!