Common Mistakes To Avoid If You Are New To Camping - Part 1

Like learning other things in life, your first few trips camping will probably be a learning experience - and there’s nothing wrong with that! Camping is such a fun, adventurous, and memory-filled experience that it is worth doing over and over again. Making sure you are as prepared as possible for those first few camping trips will ensure that the memories you make are more about the fun you have as a family rather than the key ingredient or piece of camping gear you somehow forgot. 

camping mistakes to avoid

Talking with many experts who have been camping anywhere between 10 and 50 years, we gathered their advice for how to avoid common mistakes when you are new in the camping world. 

Don’t Buy The First RV 

Buying an RV or camp trailer is, understandably, very exciting. When you start looking at them, don’t be tempted to purchase the first one you see (or step inside). Many experienced campers said they did not find their ideal trailer until they had looked at many different models. Very rarely is the first trailer/RV you see the one that is perfect for you - just like a car! 


Because your RV or camp trailer is smaller than your home, you have limited storage space (and limited weight). Keeping that in mind, you’ll still need to be somewhat resourceful while camping. For your first few trips, avoid packing too many items and food. Not only will you feel overwhelmed while camping, but you’ll more than likely feel that your new RV or trailer is too small. Focus on the essentials that you need for the meals you intend to cook, the supplies to cook, and only the necessary gear you’ll need for the trip. Less packing equals less stress! 

Too Many Miles

When it comes to towing a trailer (or driving an RV), it is not the same as hopping in a car for a road trip. For one, you will most likely be going slower as well as stopping more frequently for fuel. This all means that it will take longer to get where you are wanting to go. Plan for 3-4 hours maximum on the road each day (about 250-300 miles), and you’ll still have about half the day to unwind and enjoy your new trailer/RV. You’ll be less stressed from too much driving, too. 


There is no shame in relying on a checklist when it comes to packing everything you need for your camping trip as well as ensuring you don’t miss a step in the various processes of camping such as hitching up your camp trailer, unhitching, dumping your tanks, or even winterizing your trailer after the camping season. One of the best things you can do is have an established checklist that you rely on for each part of camping so you won’t overlook or forget anything.


These are just a few of the common mistakes that new campers make, and we’d be lying if we said we haven’t made a few of these ourselves when we were new to camping. As long as you learn something new each trip and make it a learning opportunity, each following camping trip will be better than the last! Don’t forget to check out part 2 of common mistakes to avoid if you are new to camping. Safe travels!