Camping Etiquette Tips

Depending on where you are camping, you could hear a peaceful stream or river, crickets chirping, or the pleasant roar of a nighttime campfire. If this is part of what makes camping relaxing and enjoyable for you, chances are you have experienced the opposite with a set of bad camping neighbors. 

It only takes one bad experience with lousy camping neighbors for you to notice just how quickly a camping trip can go from peaceful and relaxing to obnoxiously annoying. 

To ensure that you don’t accidentally become that disruptive or obnoxious camping neighbor, here are a few things to keep in mind as you camp - things that will undoubtedly make you a respectful, friendly camping neighbor anytime you are out on the road with your RV. 


Campfire near RV

Various campgrounds have different fire restrictions in place, especially during dry summer months when it is peak wildfire season. Before you get a campfire going for the night in your camp spot, first make sure that fires are allowed where you are camping. If so, be sure to use only clean wood. Burning garbage or dirty, wet wood can cause your fire to stink and put off a lot of smoke. And it goes without saying, but make sure your fire is completely doused before you leave your campsite. 


No matter what type of pet you take camping, don’t let it out of your sight - your eyesight or your campsite. Almost all campgrounds and RV parks require your pets to be kept on a leash at all times, and request those to keep loud barking to a minimum. Some RV parks and campgrounds may even request that you leave if your pet(s) are too loud or disruptive. Finally, if your pet makes a mess, make sure to clean up after it and not leave any trace of waste behind. 

Quiet Hour

Nearly every campground and RV park has posted quiet hours. Typically, these are from 10pm - 7am. During those quiet hours, it is best to not play music loud, not talk too loudly if you are outside, avoid running a generator, and if at all possible, try to keep any pet(s) from being too loud. 


The amount of garbage you create while camping might surprise you. Making sure that you bag all of your garbage up and properly dispose of it is the respectful and courteous thing to do. Burning your garbage is not recommended, and if there is not a designated place to deposit your garbage, pack it out with you and dispose of it whenever you get to a dump station or similar area. 


While camping, music can be one of the perfect additions to creating fun memories or relaxing outside. There are, however, a few things to consider when it comes to your music. For starters, the volume is important. Whether you are playing music through speakers, or playing a guitar and singing, the volume of that music can carry further than you might think. Also, the lyrics in your music, if inappropriate, may not be something that neighbors want to hear. And finally, going along with the quiet hour, make sure to play any music as quietly as possible during posted quiet hours where you are staying. 


Being a great neighbor while camping is easier than you might think. In fact, it could take more work to be a bad neighbor than a good neighbor. Many people make lifelong friends while camping. Here’s to being a camper with awesome etiquette and making friends while doing so!