Can I upgrade my Ultimate Hitch so that I can have the new funnel?

If you would like to upgrade to the new funnel, here are your options: 

The cost of the new funnel is $55 + shipping (part # 3244). It will work with your current Ultimate ball (the one at the top of the base) as long as you do not use it in the lowest position. The reason for this is that in the lowest position, if you encounter uneven terrain or severe dips, the funnel is close enough to the top of the hitch that it may end up getting badly scraped up or gouged, or the hitch itself will get scraped up. While it's not unsafe, it’s certainly not ideal.

If you choose to keep using your current ball, we just need to have you send an email to us that says you are aware that using the ball in its lowest position with the ball-funnel can cause scraping and damage to the ball-funnel and hitch, and that you agree to waive damages from the ball being used in the lowest position. 

If you prefer to purchase the new ball (part #3201), it will be an additional $35 (shipping is included with the funnel).